Let's Get YOU a New CLIENT!
Aug 23, 2022
✨ Tuesday Tip This Week ✨
Ready for a new client or a few new clients? I've got you covered if you are willing to do the weekly work.
So, are you up for this?
You've got this.
Your future corporate clients need you to find them so that you can bring the vast benefits of yoga directly to them, and in doing so remove a lot of barriers for why someone may not come to yoga.
Each week I will provide you with a task that will get you one step closer to bringing you a new client.
And guess what? These are proven action steps that I have utilized myself and with my coaching yoga clients to grow their corporate yoga businesses.
Week One:
Your task this week is to compile a list of 20 businesses that you would like to bring yoga to. That's it! Simply get clear on what businesses you would ideally like to work with. Write it out, type it up...just make that list. One of these directly or indirectly will become a client.....which one will it be?
Let's put a little of our yoga essence into creating this list. Can you first do your favorite pranayama to get centered? Each time you place someone on the list can you do so with a powerful affirmation such as: "May they receive and embody the powerful benefits of yoga".
Meditate on your list and provide it with an intention: "May the highest and best for all occur." "May I find my corporate yoga clients with ease and grace."
Next week you'll fine tune this list with finding the correct contacts.
For example, maybe your Mom is on the list because her best friend works at Phoenix Children's Hospital and you would like to bring yoga there. Your Mom can be on your list now, but next week you'll work on replacing her name with the correct contact and contact information for Phoenix Children's Hospital.
Let's have fun with this and enjoy the journey of finding new clients and meeting new people.
To your success,
Unlock the secrets of your inner world with two new yoga nidras each month plus access to past nidra meditations!
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