Corporate Wellness

Is Modification A Dirty Word?

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✨ Tuesday Tip of the Week ✨


Is modification a dirty word? 


Should we be using the word modification in our yoga classes? As in "here is a way to modify this side angle pose" or "place your left hand on a block to modify this lunge twist".


I personally think modification teeters on being a "dirty" word when we use it to imply there is a "right" way to do this pose, but if you "can't", here is a "modified way."



However, on the flip side I was reading the print copy on my website and I state to my target audience (my corporate decision maker): "we go the extra mile to make the classes inviting and full of modifications for all levels".


At this moment I am still liking that use of "modification" because it clearly tells my target audience that my teachers and I are capable of teaching to all levels and to offer various options for each pose. 



However, I have trained myself over the years to stop using the word "modification" with my yoga students and instead I practice stating phrases such as:

  •  "Here are several arm options for this warrior 1.....(illustrate) pick the one that feels best."
  •  "Let's explore various ways we can play with this tree pose (illustrate).  Try some of these options and settle into the one that feels both challenging and safe for you."
  •  "Let's get those outer hips open. They become tight from sitting all day. Here are a few ways to open the outer hips (illustrate)."



So, what do you think? Is "modification" a dirty word?  



Should we keep it in our yoga teaching or substitute it for other words?



There is no right or wrong here.  Just personal ways of teaching. 



I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share them by replying to this email or come on over to social media to get the conversation started by joining one of our resource groups:


To your success,


[email protected]

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