Corporate Wellness

Learn from my blooper!

blueprintforteachingcorporateyoga breatheandwork corporate wellness corporate yoga teacher training corporateyogateachertrainer employeewellness officewellness shawnbradford Oct 18, 2022

  ✨ Tuesday Tip of the Week ✨


Learn from my blooper.

I always say that much of my corporate yoga teacher training was born out of two things:
  1. What my corporate yoga clients taught me that I pass along to you.
  2. The mistakes that I made along the way so you don't have to!
I also love to sprinkle humorous "mistake" stories throughout my corporate training as fun teachable moments and I've got one for you now that just happened!!!
Earlier this week I was teaching online meditation and this particular corporate client requires that I share my music through zoom.  
Up to this point, I have "gotten away" with not sharing music through zoom and instead will just share a Spotify playlist they can play themselves if they want as long as they stay muted.
Well, I had practiced but with my screen camera off! I should have asked the client for a dress rehearsal like I teach you to do in my course and like I normally do, but I didn't!!!
So, now comes the time to teach my online meditation to a group in California and I log in and place my "meditation will start soon" slide with my camera off to wait for folks to login. This particular client normally watches the recordings and doesn't come live, but could (this was my saving grace) so I play my Spotify music and start my meditation.  
About 5 minutes in, I notice I am still sharing the "starting soon screen" and log out of that but it stops the music. So, then I restart the music, but didn't know that I was sharing not just the meditation song that was playing but my whole home Spotify screen, but eventually I figure it out.  
I'm on the client's zoom and it is auto-recording, so there is no turning back. I see my kids inappropriately named playlists and get panicky all while I am trying to stay with guiding meditation and I am flipping around screens, but in my panic cannot remember how to go full screen with my song!!!
I'm done and I email the client immediately asking to re-record and embarrassingly tell her why.  Luckily, none of her people had logged on live. She lets me re-record (after I took another practice round!) and now I've got it!
She also suggested I watch my recording to see everything that was going on with my screen and it was bad....uuggggh. Once I realized my Spotify home screen could be seen, I am flipping around screens like a mad woman from home screen, to tabs to Spotify and back again. DISASTER
Here is the take-away for you:
  • With any clients, corporate or not, remember that when we are teaching online we are still "in their office".  
  • Remember to close all tabs.
  • If you are not familiar with something online ask your client to do a tech prep session (actually demand it).
  • Even do a 5 min recording mimicking exactly how you will teach when the client is on so you can watch to see what the client sees.
  • Close out all other tabs.  
  • Put whatever you are going to share on your home screen and open it up before you login to the online teaching platform like zoom or teams so you are prepared.


And finally laugh when the mistakes happen. Luckily this client did. However, I am putting it out there I have ENOUGH funny blooper mistakes like this to tell and I don't need ANY MORE funny stories!



To your success,


[email protected]

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