Meditation in Yoga Businesses - A YES!
Jun 08, 2022✨ Tip This Week ✨
Have you considered teaching meditation in businesses yet? Meditation is becoming very popular and mainstream with all the positive research out there and because big businesses like Apple, Google and Aetna sing its praises.
I've taught yoga nidra meditation (although I hardly ever call it that....just meditation, but its been a crowd pleaser) for places such as Intel, Shell Oil, Maricopa County and Gainsight to name a few.
Here are two of my favorite stories and tips you can take out of these stories to find clients to teach meditation to:
One of my first meditation clients was a corporation called Gainsight. The only space available to us for our 30 minute sessions was the lobby. This was the loudest place I ever taught in with non-meditators going in and out of the lobby door that would "announce" itself with each opening and closing, but because nidra is so magical almost everyone still went so deep and they were amazed they were able to block out the outside chatter.
I have three take away tips for you:
- 30 minute sessions are gold. Longer and a lot of people won't come because that is too much time away from work.
- This client taught me to not worry about having a dedicated "quiet space." Your can literally have your clients practice anywhere and use the distractions to your advantage. "Anytime you hear an external noise, acknowledge it and let that noise catapult you deeper within."
- Nidra is a crowd pleaser because it is simple (guiding intention setting, breath and body scan) yet super effective. Check out a free workshop I have here, if nidra is newer to you: Breathe and Work, PLLC
My most interesting experience was teaching yoga nidra to hundreds of Maricopa County employees in one day. Getting in within the city or county is not as hard as you would think. I worked with one department directly that hired me for a wellness event that they had. I taught 30 minute classes over and over again throughout the day and it was a requirement that all employees come to my "break out session" for their wellness day. I also did other work for the County besides this one-off event. What was a little nutty about this was that it was a requirement, and in each group I had about 50 participants. About 48 in each group meditated and at least 2 in each group would not have it, but had to be there. They just gave me the stink eye, but I just focused on the other 48 people that looked super relaxed and I got enough positive feedback from the participants that did meditated that the stink eyes were worth it.
Here are your take-aways:
- Many places do wellness days, events and weeks. My intention is to always get yearly contracts with weekly classes, but as a back up I discuss one-off events I can do for the companies wellness events/retreats/weeks/days. Generally these companies want something different each year, so they'll welcome your wellness ideas.
- Know that if you have a big group and your session(s) is required, you may get a few haters. Just focus on the majority that are into what you're bringing and know that you are there for them.
- Places like Intel, Counties and Cities are huge and can be tough to break into, but if you focus on just starting with one department to teach to that'll bring a little bit more ease to getting the business.
While my corporate yoga course is now closed until an in-person October training, I do have a 10 hour Yoga Nidra Certification Course you can take in-person at Urban Yoga in Phoenix, AZ. This CE training is limited to 12 people, so if you are interested I would recommend signing up sooner rather than later, click here.
To your success,
Unlock the secrets of your inner world with two new yoga nidras each month plus access to past nidra meditations!
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