Corporate Wellness

Let's Normalize Office Yoga!

blueprintforteachingcorporateyoga corporate yoga teacher training corporatemeditation corporateyoga corporateyogateacherresources corporateyogateachertraining meditation meditationteacher normalizeyoga officemeditation officewellness officeyoga shawnbradford yoga yogateacher Sep 27, 2022


 ✨ Tuesday Tip of the Week ✨



Let's Normalize Office Yoga!



I've had lots of my clients state they would feel weird to take a big sigh at their desk, or stand up from their computer to take a 1 minute chest opener, or to close their eyes for 30 seconds and roll out their shoulders.
This is weird, yet holding in the stress to the point that it physically manifests is not?
How do us yoga teachers come together to change this paradigm?
How do we normalize taking a big sigh of relief at our desk, rolling or shoulders or taking a heart opener?
It starts with us: the yoga teacher.
Are you ready to do this?
  1. Do you work in an office? If so, are you teaching yoga or meditation there? If so, congrats! If not, why not?  Let's make that happen now.  Talk to someone in your office about this right now. Do you not want to mix yoga with your office? Ok, I get that. Convince your office to bring in a yoga teacher. I've provided you over the months in these tips with plenty of evidence on how your office would win and save money by bringing in yoga.
  1. When you are teaching your studio classes, provide your students with one or two tips for how they can weave yoga in to their everyday lives, (including the office).  Example: "we often slump when we are working at our computer, so set a timer for yourself every hour to stand up and take these shoulder rolls for 30 seconds. Notice the re-charge."
  1. Back to if you work in an office....are you taking a minute out every hour to stand up at your desk and take a yoga break? Does this inspire your co-workers? If not, are you willing to start?
  1. Already teaching corporate yoga? Maybe an after work class? Ask to add mini classes to go directly to departments and teach them mini yoga flows that they can do right at their desks to give folks the tools to utilize the power of yoga ALL day!



These are just ideas to get the conversation started. Share one thing (just reply to this email) that you can do to normalize office yoga. I'll share it on social and/or in the next Tuesday tip.
➡️ If you feel additional training and a certification (or you just want Yoga Alliance CE's) would help you expand your yoga skills and prepare you to teach outside of the studio setting, I invite you to explore my upcoming course A Blueprint for Teaching Corporate Yoga which will be in-person and live on zoom the weekend of October 14th-16th. Learn more here: 
✨ P.S. I am also offering a work exchange opportunity for this course. If you are in AZ and desire to take the course, but the funds are not available please email me and I will discuss with you how you can take the course for free in exchange for helping to set up the training and manage the zoom while I teach live.





To your success,


[email protected]

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