Corporate Wellness

Part 2: Let's Get YOU a New Client!

Aug 31, 2022

✨ Tuesday Tip This Week ✨







Part 2: Let's Get YOU a New Client!
Last week you made a list of 20 clients you would love to bring corporate yoga to. 
How did that go?
This week:
Fine tune that list.
✨ How? ✨
Start to put in the work to get the correct contact information.
This will take a little work. Are you up for the time commitment to invest in yourself?
✨ Here are some tips:
  1. For people on your list where you wrote: (example) Phoenix Children's Hospital....Mom's best friend works there. Now you need to talk with the best friend of your Mom, and ask her to help you find the correct contact. Who there would bring in a corporate yoga teacher?
  1. Head on over to LinkedIn to look up the company you want to work with, and the employees that work there.  For example, you might see at Phoenix Children's Hospital there is a wellness manager listed.
  1. Research the company on the internet. Often the company website has the C-Suite listed (CEO, CFO, CTO, etc) and key managers.
  1. I personally like to do one of two things:
    1. Call up the company and just ask the person that answers the phone. I know what you are thinking: "Shawn wonder if then they try to block me not wanting "sales calls." In my experience, that happens about 20% of the time, but I also have the mindset that people are helpful (I know you are probably rolling your eyes 😉, but that is my mindset) and would love to have yoga in their office and therefore will assist to make that happen. If not, they are not the right client for me.
    2. Simply call on the owner, as it is easy to find their info on the company website and let him/her tell me if they handle it or someone else. Again, I have the same mindset as above.
The most auspicious thing happens when you open yourself to seeking out new clients and opportunities: they also come to you in unusual ways. Maybe you'll get a Facebook message from a past student asking if you can come into their office, maybe you'll run into an acquaintance at the grocery store that is delighted you do corporate yoga when you state that in your catch up, and asks you to reach out to her business, or maybe one of the people on your lists calls you right back (often it taken many reach outs) because your timing was "spot on."
✨ Take-away:
Start to fine tune your list. Get in the energy of being open to new business and opportunities. Be open to how the new business comes to you.
Next week: You'll start to reach out to your list. 
✨ Final hint:
Can you find a way to enjoy the journey and learn new things about yourself as you fine tune your list?






✨  The weekend of October 14th will be the first time a Blueprint for Corporate Yoga will be taught in person in Scottsdale, AZ. This weekend is already filling up. If you would like to take this course in-person, start to make your travel arrangements and I highly suggest you get more details and reserve your spot here now. ✨ 






To your success,


[email protected]

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