Corporate Wellness

Phone A Friend!

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✨ Tuesday Tip This Week ✨


Ask a friend for help.  


 ➡️ You have purposely received a lot of posts all with the same intention (get referrals from your network into businesses you can teach at) but in different ways so hopefully one hits and activates action within you.



This one is short and sweet and totally actionable.



 ➡️ Action Item: Right now, call up one friend or family member that preferably owns a business or has a little clout at a business they work at. Be straight forward: "I want your help."  Let them know you want to teach yoga at their business. Ask them what they think about that. Let them know why! My why is it reduces stress in employees and helps them to focus and well better!



✨ At the least you'll uncover a lot of information about why they would or wouldn't want yoga at their office and at the most you'll move forward with scheduling classes!



 ➡️  Do this right now. Join us over on social @corporateyogateacherresources and let us know your results so we can all learn and grow together while bringing more yoga into the world.




To your success,


[email protected]

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