Your future corporate clients need to hear from you NOW for 2023 Q1!
Dec 06, 2022✨ Tuesday Tip This Week ✨
Your future corporate clients need to hear from you NOW for 2023 Q1!
Attention corporate yoga teachers:
This Tuesday Tip is short and sweet and written to provide you with motivation to take action now. Do it this week before the December holidays are fully under way.
Your corporate clients are making decisions now for 2023 Q1. Reach out this week to give them creative ideas for corporate yoga classes themed to each month. For example:
- January is all about goals and resolutions. What yoga and meditation programs can you propose that are in alignment with the theme of January? For example: January meditation series for ultimate focus to achieve your goals.
- February is American Heart Month and there is tons of research showing that yoga is beneficial for our heart health. Perhaps you propose a yoga series such as: Yoga for a Healthy Heart.
- Your turn! Go Google: corporate themes for March or something to that affect, and put together a title for your own corporate yoga series that you can propose to a business decision maker.
➡️ Tip: The decision makers that plan wellness activities, series and events for their employees, generally wear this wellness hat as one of many. You are bringing them so much value by bringing these fantastic ideas to them (but don't share your whole program until you are hired)!
⭐️ Now call or email at least three business owners or decision makers that you know, and state that you'd love to schedule a meeting (phone, zoom or in person) to discuss your ideas to bring unique corporate yoga offerings themed to their Q1 goals into their business that will help their employees focus and manage stress.
You've got this!
After you have had success with this tip, email me and let me know. Better yet, if you're willing, give me permission to use your success story as a case study to motivate our corporate yogi peers!
To your success,
Unlock the secrets of your inner world with two new yoga nidras each month plus access to past nidra meditations!
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