Corporate Wellness

Part 4 of 4: Let's Get YOU NEW Business + LIVE Training

blueprintforteachingcorporateyoga breatheandwork corporate corporate wellness corporate yoga corporate yoga teacher training corporateculture corporateyogateachertrainer getclients growbusiness newclient shawnbradford smallbusiness yogateacher Sep 13, 2022


Are you open to teaching in other places such as businesses, corporate conferences and healthcare? Would you like a blueprint for how to find, get, keep and love teaching yoga in non-traditional settings?
If so, I encourage you to join the live training in Scottsdale, AZ, the weekend of October 14th. It is already filling up, so I highly recommend you grab your spot.  
*I would suggest traveling to receive the in-person training, but I have an option for out-of-towners to zoom in.
✨ Tuesday Tip This Week ✨
Let's Get YOU NEW Business: Part 4 of 4
"Fair exchange is a spiritual, not just an economic, principle. As long as we're making money righteously, we're not only receiving a blessing but also extending one to others...In the realm of spirit there is infinite abundance...I provide energy through a service or product and you provide energy through the money you pay for it. With an equitable exchange, both parties profits."
~ Marianne Williamson in the Law of Divine Compensation
I share this quote with you as you continue to, hopefully, connect with people via LinkedIn, making phone calls, talking to your network, sending emails and asking your family and friends for introductions into businesses.  
✨ May you know that there is an abundance of work for all of us.  May you know that there is an abundance of opportunities for all of us yoga teachers to earn a sustainable and fair rate, teaching corporate yoga.
However, if you are not making the connections and calls how does the universe know that you are ready to receive new business?
✨ Let this motivate you to connect with at least one person right now, to let the universe know you are open to receive.


Would you like a blueprint for how to find new clients? Reserve your spot now in A Blueprint for Teaching Corporate Yoga.






To your success,


[email protected]

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