Corporate Wellness

Tip of the Week!

breatheandwork corporate wellness corporate yoga corporate yoga teacher training corporateculture corporateyoga mindfulness officemeditation officeyoga shawnbradford tcy teachcorporateyoga weeklytip wellness yoga yogabusiness yogateacher yogatip Apr 12, 2022

Today's Tuesday Tip was inspired by a question from a member in our teach corporate yoga community {join us on Facebook, click here}.


I am a yoga instructor and want to teach corporate yoga, but I have a full time job. Where do I even start?!?
✅ Answer:
This is perfect! You already have a built in audience and a built in corporate client!

➡️ How
Approach the business you work at and let them know you are interested in yoga at the office. 

✅ Apply what you have learned in my 20 hour course TEACH CORPORATE YOGA
{Doors open for early registration on May 1st. Those on the waitlist will receive an extra complimentary training on May 1st and the first opportunity to register.
➡️ Get on the list here.}

➕ Additional tips for approaching your boss about teaching yoga at work: 

  1. Treat this like a professional prospect. Have a proposal ready with the scientific benefits of yoga, when you would like to teach - if you are doing this pro bono, request pay, and an outline of the first several classes (I.e. Yoga and Breathing to ease low back pain from sitting).
  2. Possible bonus - if you already took a survey of those in the office that would be interested (you know your office environment to understand if this would be seen as taking initiative or over-stepping), but I personally would go with the first.
  3. After you start teaching have your co-workers provide you testimonials all over social you already have recommendations!
  4. Then, take it a step further.
    • For example: let's say you work in an office building. Approach some of your office neighbors about doing a before or after work yoga class with you.

↳ Remember even 15, 20 or 30 minute classes are extremely effective.

You've got this! 👏

➡️ Get on the waitlist for the 20 hour Course here.


To your success,


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